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    Expectations during the first chiropractic visit after a car accident in Arizona

    Many people fear their first visit to a chiropractor because they are unsure what to expect. They might have an idea that a chiropractor examines and adjusts the back and spinal joints, which helps the patient feel better but that’s about all they know. However, this is just a small portion of what a chiropractor does.

    First of all, why are you visiting a chiropractor? There may be several different reasons, for example: back ache, sport injury, neck injury, headaches or complications resulting from an auto accident.

    A chiropractor will examine you thoroughly to discover the cause of the pain you are experiencing. Specifically, they will be examining the damage that an injury  or misalignment in the joints has caused. Many of the myriad issues that may cause body not to run optimally might also be causing inflammation and pressure on nerves, potentially leading to more problems, often lasting for years on end.

    Chiropractors will complete a full assessment of the body before initiating any treatment, just like any other medical professional. The chiropractor also checks posture and joint mobility. In order to best diagnose a patient’s condition(s) the chiropractor will often take several X-rays, in addition to performing a wide range of physical tests.

    Chiropractic care, in many cases, is much more beneficial than other similar types of medical treatment. By obtaining chiropractic therapy a person involved in a motor vehicle accident has a very good chance of living a healthy and pain-free life following the accident. Various studies have proven chiropractic to be a better method of treatment than other options, in addition to being a very cost-effective alternative. Adjustments of the spine are the primary focus in chiropractic treatment. Various types of active massage and other ancillary therapies have been shown to aid chiropractors in their ability to fully adjust the spine. Chiropractors also often advise exercise and other treatments to aid in the overall plan to get the patient out of pain and back to normal.